Constant Reminder
I can feel it dancing in the back of my mind,
a constant reminder that it is always there,
it is always a breath away;
Yet, I cannot begrudge its existence
as it simply expresses what I feel in the quiet
of my solitude,
Something that is mine and mine alone.

However, it seems it does not remain
tucked away like it once did.
It seems that more and more it has become louder,
more persistent to be heard;
or perhaps, I know why it is there and what it is agonising over
deliberating and considering to think and do
with the compartmentalising of daily requirements pushed to the forefront
to keep this, weakly, at bay.
It is a truth, an honesty beneath the torment and pain
I feel on a daily, hourly basis,
which somehow wants to be heard and wants more than broken promises;
Something all too familiar and recognising its extreme limitations and lack of fulfilment.
I feel that sensation now, whispering, lingering, waiting
So I sit down here to acknowledge and release why this is prevalent today
because it is not without reason.
Conversations repeated, rejected solidified,
a sadness that darkens my heart,
with the brightness of a reality
I have been refusing to accept in all of its entirety.
I struggle to fathom why and how it has come to this and more-so,
why this does not improve or change or evolve beyond its belated origins.
Comprehension escapes me and only adds fuel to the heat of burning agony
that became part of me a long time ago.
I am exhausted from the dance of circles
that never lead anywhere and never change;
There is no more, I have no more.
This great sadness that sits, strapped to my partially mended heart,
reminding me to not forget the empty connection of my own isolation
and unheard requirements.
My eyes are heavy in their tiredness
of another day of frustration and unfufillment;
I want to sleep however avoid this inevitable path
knowing at some point my sadness will be vocal,
will be visible and hope that it is when I am alone,
no one is there that expects me to comfort them
while I struggle in this state of torture.